

Online Pet Oncology Consultancy Service

The Pet Oncologist is a family-owned business, led by Dr. Cat Chan. At the Pet Oncologist, we are board-certified specialist veterinary oncologists who offer veterinarians remote pet cancer advice and support by providing the best possible care and recommendations for all species of animals with cancer. Our online expert veterinary oncology consultation services are available to veterinarians worldwide, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 3 pm AEST. Consultation reports are provided for all online cases. Our services provide veterinarians with the information, education and support needed to navigate the complexities of pet cancer care. For further information please click Consultations, Frequently Asked Questions, or Information Brochure.

We are passionate about education. We provide Education and Handouts for veterinarians (and veterinary students, and veterinary nurses) who wish to obtain CPD points and learn more about cancer in animals. Additionally, we host regular Events and Workshops throughout the year, including Free Veterinary Oncology Online Continuing Education and Chemotherapy Workshops.

In Brisbane, Dr. Cat Chan offers veterinarians a Mobile Oncology and Ultrasound Service.

For pet owners seeking veterinary oncologist advice for their pet with cancer, please ask your veterinarian to contact us. Regrettably, in compliance with veterinary licensing legislation and legal requirements, we cannot provide online pet cancer advice to pet owners or the general public. We offer online advice exclusively to your veterinarian, who has access to your pet's medical records and can physically examine and care for your pet. We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Useful Links for pet owners who wish to learn more about cancer in pets.

Dr. Catherine Chan BVSc (Hons I) FANZCVS (Veterinary Oncology) Diplomate ACVIM (Oncology)

Board-Certified & Registered Specialist in Veterinary Oncology Q4941


Dr. Amy Lane BVSc (Hons I) MVS FANZCVS (Veterinary Oncology)

Board-Certified & Registered Specialist in Veterinary Oncology N6989

We are passionate in educating and helping veterinarians treat pets with cancer. If you would like to get in touch or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Online Veterinary Oncologist